D-Peptide Builder


User Guide

This is a concise guide that summarizes the main features of D-Peptide Builder.
Click here to view a tutorial video.

Access the server

The server is hosted at http://dpeptidebuilder.quimica.unam.mx:4000. We suggest using Chrome or Firefox web browsers. You will see the next home page.


Enumerate libraries

Fill out the form in home page.


Step 1. Move the mouse over an "options" button, choose desired options from dropdown list.

Non-methylated: Select amino acid dataset.

N-Methylated: Select amino acid with N-Methylation.

Step 2. From dropdown list, select a single topology, or both of them.

Step 3. Select a number between 2 and 5 to set the peptide length.

Step 4. Click the “Submit” button to perform the enumeration.

Enumerated libraries will show up in a new window, similar to the one at the next screenshot.


Save database

Click “Download CSV” button,the database will be downloaded as a .csv file.

Click “home” to return main page.

Visualization of chemical space

Select“Chemical Space” option on the side bar.

This section allows visualizing the chemical space by PCA and t-SNE using physicochemical properties and Atom Pair fingerprints. Options are visualized in the next window:


Once desired choice is selected, click the button “Visualize”. An interactive plot will be render in a new window.


Toolbar include zoom in, zoom out and save options.

At legent section libraries hide and appear on click.

In the plot, placing the cursor in a single point, coordinates and name of a single point are render on an alert window.

Note: To compare the chemical space of numerated data sets with other reference libraries contact our group (medinajl@unam.mx or dieb@comunidad.unam.mx). The full contact information is at http://dpeptidebuilder.quimica.unam.mx:4000/contact.

Diversity Analysis

"Options" button displays the Atom Pair fingerprints. Similarity plot and statistical values will render in a new window.